Oranga Community Compost Hub


A community-led composting hub and learning space in Oranga, Maungakiekie


With the generous support from Auckland Council in 2022, infrastructure was set up to establish a community compost hub for Oranga residents. As well as encouraging drop offs by locals, we have expanded to accept food waste from local schools and ECE’s, allowing time to get their own onsite systems up and running.

In the first year we diverted 3.5t of food waste! With frequent workshops and support from Kainga Ora and our generous volunteers, we are now producing quality compost to support local food production


How to get involved

Drop off your food scraps!

Thanks to our local Oranga community and schools, we have successfully diverted over 4t of food waste from landfill!

If you’re local and don’t have access to a compost bin at home, simply drop off your kitchen scraps into one of the buckets by the entrance. We’ll do the rest!

If you’re a local business or community hub and would like to divert your food scraps, get in touch

Volunteer with us

Feel free to reach out if you’d like to learn or volunteer within specific aspects of the space.

Oranga Community Compost Hub

63 Oranga Ave, Onehunga


